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Welcome to
Community Connections

Wachusett CFCE

Community Connections is a CFCE grant-funded program that serves 9 towns in Central Massachusetts. Here, parents and caregivers connect with their children, learn something new, and socialize with their peers, all while having fun! With great services and host facilities, children and grown-ups alike can always find a new activity to participate in at our programs.

About Us

Who We Are

Community Connections is free programming offered by the Coordinated Family and Community Engagement Grant (CFCE). 

It is a grant, funded through the Department of Early Education and Care. We have many initiatives through our grant to outreach to families in the community. Hosting programming that is free to families, is one of these methods of outreach. The programs consist of things such as parent-child playgroups, StoryWalks, gross motor programs, music & movement sessions, etc. all held at local libraries, schools, churches, farms, local businesses, etc.

The main goal of our grant is to reach and serve the families that may need resources and referrals prior to entering Kindergarten.

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