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Some of the things that we can help with include, but are not limited to: getting childcare vouchers, recommendations for local pediatricians, dentists, and eye doctors. We also supply tools and tips for potty training and developing early literacy skills needed before entering Kindergarten. We also have access to and provide referrals for Early Intervention Services, as well as, Family Support systems such as WIC, financial training's for parents, parenting classes, parent resources, etc., to name a few. 


If you need assistance with obtaining more information or access to anything listed above please contact us! Or ask your Program Facilitator at your next visit! 

Monthly Program &

Parent Goals

These are the goals our grant will be targeting each month. Our program facilitators will offer various materials related to each topic monthly, and parents attending our playgroups will be encouraged to participate in developing each strategy as the year progresses. You do not have to wait until a specific month to ask us about any of the topics listed, or about anything else that you have questions about!


As your children’s first teachers, we quickly become the best examples when we are learning and trying new things!


 We’d love to help; so be sure to ask!


The Importance of Play & Reading


Managing Temper Tantrums &



Conflict Resolution & Problem Solving




Positive Reinforcement & Showing Love and Affection



& Unstructured




Expanding Your Child's Language & Speech






Summer Fun






Good Communication

& Potty Training


PreAcademic Skills & ASQ

Monthly Parent Goal


Click on the PDF links below to access the resources that concentrate on this month's developmental topic! If you have questions regarding anything else, you don't have to wait to see it here!

Just ask your facilitator!

Encouraging Good Behavior:

Helping children to modify behaviors at a young age fosters self-respect and respect for others. It also teaches them the importance of social rules and the consequences of their actions.

Behavior Management Strategy:

The goal of positive reinforcement is to give something to somebody to make a behavior happen again. 

Positive Language:

How the words we use can shape behavior

Challenging behaviors are a typical part of development. When these behaviors arise, it is easy to fall into to pattern of telling children what not to do. Click on the link for more information on how to turn the "battle of wills" around. 


Unstructured Play

Unstructured play is simply

self-initiated and self-directed play without rules, organization, or goals.

Unstructured play taps into the imagination,

promotes creativity, fosters problem
solving, and is stress free.


Fine Motor Centers 

In our fine motor centers we are:

- exercising fine motor muscles, 

- Enhancing hand-eye coordination,

- Recognizing and creating patterns,

- practicing dressing skills

- Classifying and sorting,

- Increasing language Development

Gross Motor Activities

Gross motor skills involve the larger muscles in the arms, legs and torso. Gross motor activities include walking, running, throwing, lifting, kicking, etc. These skills also relate to body awareness, reaction speed, balance and strength.


Language Development

Speech/Language Skills: Birth to 2 years

Newborn to 3 months

  • Listens and responds to voice and other sounds

  • Tells feelings by cooing, gurgling, smiling and crying

  • Vowels will predominate, but they will begin to vocalize with 2 syllables

  • Cognitively, the child will begin exploratory play by mouthing and touching objects; will begin to watch speaker's eyes and mouth

4-6 months

  • Turns to your voice and other sounds

  • Begins to respond to own name

  • Laughs or squeaks; babbles a series of syllables

  • Varies volume, rate and pitch by playing with sounds

  • Cognitively, the child begins to play; visually follows a vanishing object; inspects objects; reaches to grab a dropped object

7-12 months

  • Recognizes family members, pays attention to music or singing, looks at named pictures with an adult

  • Obeys some commands, especially if accompanied by visual cues (e.g., bye-bye), begins two syllable sentence-like jargon

  • By 12 months, may speak one or more words

  • Cognitively, the child will use trial and error approach to attain a goal; increases imitation; uses common objects appropriately

12-18 months

  • By 18 months, produces/uses approximately 15 meaningful words

  • Asks for "more," points to pictures in a book

  • Cognitively, gives a toy if asked; removes lid of a box to find a hidden toy; explores environment; imitates several new gestures

18-24 months

  • Likes rhyming games; pulls a person to show them something; uses "I" and "mine," names most common objects

  • Uses short incomplete sentences (e.g., "want juice", " car go.")

  • By 24 months, the child may understand (but not necessarily use) 200-300 words

  • Cognitively, knows shapes; sits alone for short periods with books; matches familiar objects; comprehends one and many; points to body parts

Top View of Kids Playing

Toilet Mastery

Throughout this process it is key that you as a parent remain patient.

It is very important that parents let the child decide when they are ready! 

Leave the rest of the learning up to your child. If you see any resistance, immediately stop talking to your child about any aspect of toileting and wait until she is interested.

Tip # 1

It is very important that parents let the child decide when they are ready! And then encourage their interest! When your child begins telling you when he is wet or dirty and that their diaper needs to be changed, and he is staying dry for more than 2 – 3 hours, they are showing you that they maybe ready to learn how to use the toilet like a "big kid!"

Educate your toddler. Before you start potty training your toddler it is important to educate them. Borrow potty books from the library. Show your child by using the bathroom yourself; and then do a potty dance to show your enthusiasm.

TIP # 3

Buy a potty seat if you don't already have one. You can use a potty seat that fits on the toilet, or a potty chair. Allow your child to choose big kid pants with his or her favorite character; and ditch the diapers. Continuing to use diapers may only confuse your child at this point.

Use positive reinforcement. Consider giving your child a positive reward (stickers or toy) for successful attempts. Rewards can really help a child overcome any resistance to toilet learning. Let your child help choose the reward so it is something she will want to earn.

Tip # 5

Don’t get upset with accidents. Instead say to your child, “It’s ok, accidents happen” and clean up the mess. Remind your child to use the bathroom in the morning, before going to bed, and before getting in the car.

Be prepared. Always have an extra outfit, and underwear when going out.

If your child is resisting using the toilet, remember that this is one area of her life that they alone can control. You can never force your child to use the toilet – so it is best to just stop trying! Approximately 75% of children have attained daytime control of their urine and bowel movements between 3 and 4 years of age, but 25% of children are still not interested in using the toilet.


Be patient with your child and try not to compare him to others. Every child is different and will potty train in his or her own time.


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