Released: 6/1/2020
From the desk of Governor Charlie Baker
Child Care Preparedness Order​
Beginning immediately, any licensed, approved, or exempt child care program that was closed by COVID-19 Order No. 10 and that is not currently operating as an emergency child care program under the authority of COVID-19 Order No. 10 may open its physical workplaces and facilities (“brick-and-mortar premises”) to workers for the purpose of preparing for opening when authorized.
Child care programs that admit workers to begin preparation of their brick-and-mortar premises for opening under the terms of this Order must at all times comply with all generally applicable COVID-19 workplace safety rules and any safety rules issued pursuant to Section 2 of this Order.
Child care programs that commence re-opening preparations under the terms of this Order may not open their brick-and-mortar premises to children and the public generally until authorized to do so by subsequent Order.
Local Services for Children, Youth and Families
Listed below are the resources available to Massachusetts residents. If you need any help connecting to or finding the service that would best meet your needs please reach out and ask!
Promoting good health and quality of life for children, youth, and their families.
Financial relief for families caring for children and youth under 22 with large medical and related expenses.
Report child abuse or neglect
Learn what to do if you know or suspect a child is being abused or neglected.
If a child is in immediate danger, call 911.